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Teletronix LA-2A emulációk vs hardveres megfelelői


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remek kis cikk - főleg - az UAD LA-2A most megjelenő


három új Teletronix LA-2A plugin-járól, azok EDM- beli lehetőségeiről, valamint hangzó összehasonlítás az eredeti hardverrel 



személyes megjegyzés : vonósokon mindenki próbálja ki, "wall of sound" típúsú hangzás térben előre vagy hátra pozicionálásához zseniális a cucc, ahogy ők is írják :

Electric, Acoustic, and Treated Guitars, Piano, Plucked Strings, etc

As with acoustic instrumentation, this class of sounda s is one of the areas where this compressor invariably shines. If you produce any kind of disco, chillwave, sample-heavy IDM, or anything involving samples or models of stringed instruments or plucked sounds, you owe it to yourself to begin crushing things with an LA-2A starting yesterday. It adds an amazing shimmer to these midrange instruments, and you can dig in with absurd levels – 20 dB or more of reduction – and the result is a perfectly clamped wall of sound that parks easily in the front or back of any mix, and always has the right amount of transient pop to keep a sense of life and sparkle no matter how crushed. Any time I need to compress an acoustic guitar or piano in my own productions, my hardware LA-2A is the one of my first choices, and the only time it doesn’t get used there is when it fares even better on the vocal or bass… which, as often as not, it does.

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