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Two Steps from Hell pozíció


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Nick Phoenix és Thomas Bergersen közös projektjébe, a "minden-második-trailerben-úgyis-ők-szólnak" Two Steps from Hell-be a jelek szerint szinti-programozót keresnek (sound design + synth programming) és ez a Hans Zimmeres lehetőséggel ellentétben az egész bolygóról pályázható: 


Two Steps From Hell Position available (AMENDED!!!)

Two Steps From Hell is looking to hire a sound designer/synth programmer. 

1. Must live on Earth.
2. Must be very flexible with hours and energetic.
3. Must be willing to work at home with your computer.
4. Must be familiar with all types of electronic music and be able to program and write everything from film sound design to dubstep.
5. Is helpful if you use Logic X.
6. Is helpful if you are a midi orchestrator.
7. Must be musical.

Please submit a resume, and one or two audio (earth shattering) example links to bunschel@aol.com
Deadline 2/28



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