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Miruz IP20 olasz ipari lámpa 5 darab töredék áron

  • Eladó

    Régió: Veszprém megye 

    Ár: 6000 Ft

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Ár/darab, esetleg csere is..

"Miruz Indoor Floodlight This is a luminaire with low running costs and excellent colour rendering which is particularly suitable for small and medium size indoor areas i.e. shop windows, show rooms, hotels and restaurants. Range: Indoor compact floodlight with integral gear tray for use with 70W and 150W Hqi lamps. Construction: Body is made of extruded aluminium, finished in electrostatically applied white or black polyester powder paint producing a very durable finish. The body has a painted steel mounting bracket. The control gear tray is easily removable. The reflector is manufactured with high purity demi-opaque anodized aluminium to maximize light output. The front protection lens is made of toughened glass. The zinc coated gear tray is supplied with a three poles terminal block. High temperature silicon insulated conductors are used throughout. Accessories ON Demand: Special UV filter glass can be provided on request to be used with 150 W Hqi lamps"





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