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The Studio Edge 103 Case Study: The Home Studio


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Case Study: The Home Studio

1: Working Out The Design 01:37

1. Introduction 01:18
2. The Objective 02:26
3. Putting a Design Together

2: Organizing The Construction 01:22
4. Creating the Order 04:27
5. Consulting the Contractor 04:04
6. Site Evaluation

3: Building The Studio 02:26
7. Floating Floors 04:49
8. Metal Studs and Plates 05:57
9. Mineral Fiber, Resilient Channel & Dry Wall 06:45
10. Vinyl Barriers - Part 1 07:17
11. Vinyl Barriers - Part 2 13:34
12. Construction Update

4: Studio Electronics Consult 09:52
13. DAW Monitors 09:04
14. More About DAW Monitors 09:59
15. Microphones 07:54
16. Asking Questions

5: The Finished Studio 04:24
17. The Reveal

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